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The "Dirt"
Get updates from the world of robotic farming, featuring posts from Agbotic leadership, latest product news and more.

Abby Swartz
Jul 3, 2019
Ecologically Restorative Organic Farming
Our cutting-edge robotic greenhouses are embedded on real farms. We are 100% organic inside and out. We plant trees on our farms;...

Abby Swartz
Jul 1, 2019
Women in Tech and Farming
Women make up less than 20% of US tech jobs. Worse than that, just 13% of US farm principal operators are women, while the farm labor...

Abby Swartz
Jun 23, 2019
Time for Turnips
We grew some turnips. They are as tasty and good looking as our radishes and baby beets. What do y'all think? #organic#knowyourfarmer#tur...

Abby Swartz
Jun 20, 2019
Agbotic Speaks at AgriTech Event
Thank you to Dr. Neil Mattson and his colleagues at Cornell for creating and hosting such a valuable event for New York stakeholders in...

Abby Swartz
Jun 20, 2019
Meet Our In-House Fabricator
Meet Logan Hosley. Logan is our In-House Fabricator. Which means, he works onsite assembling the gantries. Our gantries are a crucial...

Abby Swartz
Jun 6, 2019
A Visit from Wegmans
Cody and Kevin doing their thing and showing our very cool guests the wash and pack facility. Thank you for making a trip north...

Abby Swartz
May 30, 2019
Farm to School
This is our boy Sean, making one last delivery to Herman Dekalb School before summer begins. We absolutely love being a source of fresh...

Abby Swartz
May 28, 2019
Fresh Beets
Hi friends. We have lots of fresh beets and radishes. They are yours if you want them. DM us and place your order...

Abby Swartz
May 26, 2019
Memorial Day 2019
Our farm is full of gratitude, today and always for those that served #somegaveallallgavesome#memorialday

Abby Swartz
May 23, 2019
Giving Back
Two of our finest, Sean and Ryan, bringing fresh produce to local food banks. This team never stops @watertownurbanmission...
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